
Michael/Male/26-30. Lives in United States/Pennsylvania/Wexford/Christopher Wren, speaks English. Spends 20% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes baseball /politics.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, Pennsylvania, Wexford, Christopher Wren, English, Michael, Male, 26-30, baseball , politics.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Thome is off to a swift start. April, 2004: .344 BA / .429 OBP / 5 HR; This is unusual for him because his slowstarts are fairly predictable:

April 2003: .227 BA / .347 OBP / 4 HR
May 2003: .297 BA / .418 OBP / 8 HR

April 2002: .210 BA / .363 OBP / 7 HR
May 2002: .330 / .458 OBP / 7 HR

Thome usually builds on his Mays with even stronger Junes. I hope it doesn’t portend for a late-season cool-off.

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