
Michael/Male/26-30. Lives in United States/Pennsylvania/Wexford/Christopher Wren, speaks English. Spends 20% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes baseball /politics.
This is my blogchalk:
United States, Pennsylvania, Wexford, Christopher Wren, English, Michael, Male, 26-30, baseball , politics.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Phils win against the Fish? I’m stunned! 

Seriously, I am ... Too little, too late. I didn’t expect to see the Phils miraculously sweep into playoff contention while I was gone, so seeing them mired 11.5 in back of the Braves with twelve left (a virtually mathematically impossible canyon to cross) isn’t surprising. Even though they have an outside (cue Bob Uecker’s “just a bit outside” line from Major League) shot at the wildcard, the season is over.

I anticipate the playoff lineup as: Oakland, Minnesota, Boston and the Yankees (a.k.a., the usual suspects) in the AL, and the Braves, Cubs, Cardinals and Dodgers in the NL. A Red Sox – Cubs World Series like I predicted in the preseason? I’d have my money on Red Sox – Cards.

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